This is where the action is. All the talking and reading and thinking and listening to people like me blab about the spiritual path will not transform consciousness. And transforming consciousness is what it is all about. Any program or presentation that claims to be about mindfulness or meditation or a spiritual path that does not include a component of actually sitting still and systematically examining and training the mind is codswollop. It might be entertaining, interesting, fun, motivating, comforting, and so on, which is fine. But you aren't going to rewire your nervous system that way.
Sure, there are rare instances when the right word from the right mouth at the right time has caused ripe fruit to fall from the tree. But that isn't you. Trust me. If you want the benefits of meditation you will need to do the leg work and this is where you get started learning the methods.
Set aside a place in space and time where and when you can practice meditation and then do it every day. The few audio recordings on this page will get you started and take you a LONG way - well past the point where you begin to feel the benefits. BUT ONLY IF YOU ACTUALLY DO IT!
Kaishin guides a 20 minute meditation
Kaishin guides a ten minute meditation
Kaishin guides a thirty minute meditation focusing on body sensations
30 minute meditation on working with mental image
30 minute guided meditation on working with emotional body sensations
30 minute guided meditation for working with verbal thinking
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